As it does every year at the arrival of the summer season, the Palau Ducal presents its special programme of activities that complements its daytime opening hours and allows visitors to enjoy the building from a wide range of possibilities in which history, culture and gastronomy are mixed, and in addition, this year we  will have some novelties.

To begin with, the first of the new activities is EL PALAU A LA FRESCA. This is a guided tour that will culminate with a vermouth at Casa Colau accompanied by a tapa consisting of a tomato pastry of a tomato pastry with black tuna. This new activity, which starts at 20:00 hours and will take place will take place on Thursdays 11th and 25th July, 8th and 22nd August and 5th September. A fantastic way to start a tapas dinner in Gandia!

One of the most successful activities that continues this year is the TAST DE LA DUQUESSA. On Mondays 8 and 22 July and 5 and 19 August, five surprising dishes from the restaurant Vins i Més will be served in the patio de Armas, perfectly paired with five craft beers carefully selected by  the Llúpol Craft Bar.

As it could not be otherwise, the traditional NIGHT VISITS are back on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings  at 20:30. These visits, now in their 10th year, last for an hour and a half,  show special places such as the patio de Cañas or the Church of the Sacred Heart, which are not usually open to the public.

Wednesday is CINE POT day. Auteur films in the original version with subtitles that can be enjoyed from 22:00 p.m. onwards, comfortably reclining in a hammock at the Patio de Armas.

To conclude this programme, the Fira i Festes of Gandia will be brought to a close with UN PALAU DE TAPES, the another of this year’s novelties. On 28th September at 13:00, the Borja family will welcome guests to the Palau in the form of a dramatised visit, to offer them four dishes accompanied by three wines and a beer, while at the same time showing them around the Palau’s rooms.

Tickets for all the daytime and evening activities can now be purchased online on the website at online on the website, in the Online Sales section.
Tickets for CinePOT can be purchased on the Instanticket website of the City Council of Gandia. Gandia.